Glenleigh Park Primary Academy
Welcome to the information page of Glenleigh Park Primary Academy in Bexhill. Please click on the logos below for our social media:
Headteacher: Laylee Pocock
Glenleigh Park Primary Academy opened in September 2012. Its predecessor school (Sidley County Primary) was situated on a site less than a mile away. The school opened with 180 pupils on roll and now has 406, including a nursery catering for children aged two and above. Since opening, the effectiveness of the school has rapidly improved and Ofsted has judged the school as ‘good’ in a full Section 5 inspection and follow up Section 8 in March 2018.
Being part of a small community means that Glenleigh Park has a strong family feel with links to Heart of Sidley, visits to the local greengrocers, reading rewards from the local post office as well as trips and performances at the De La Warr Pavilion. Glenleigh Park benefits from having large school grounds, a running track and is currently developing plans for a forest school. Also, the local high school is just next door, so the school has excellent opportunities for inter-school events linked to sports, drama and regular transition events.
Growth, Perseverance, Positivity and Achievement are the values at the heart of all the work at Glenleigh Park; together with the team spirit and sense of community, Glenleigh Park is a unique and exceptional school.
Glenleigh Park Primary Academy
Gunters Lane
Bexhill on Sea
East Sussex
TN39 4ED
Tel: 01424 213611